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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My philosophy for RC trends

The cycle of RC trends is very connected with given power source of that time

when a new motor come out or bigger battery debut (all meaning more power/increased of power) tires have to get softer or better to handle newer power source but it takes time to develop that, for that time being other method of traction gain technique have to be developed by racers, such as flex chassis.

then stickier tires debut. now faster car + sticker tires=understeer car, now a stiffer chassis and newer suspension set up is in order.

that's the cycle of RC I been observed, and that's how cycle has been spin in last 20 years on race track.

I think it's natural thing for all this hop up to available today, power source get better and we need to adjust our car according to that (specially tire didn't get any better than 2002, or maybe got worse)

for an example Losi had their flex chassis for the E8ight than last week they realised the softer "green" tires

so for JRX-S to handle all this newer power sources little bit of flex is in order until we see better tyres.

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