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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Going to Jackson, NJ this Sunday

Club racing at it's finest, probably less traffic than summer cuz no Beach traffics.
going to try NOVAK 13.5 Ballistic motor before the Regional

I also wanted to practice staying focused for whole 6min 30sec, lately I focus for an 1/2 min staying wake then driving under all blur to crash or bobble to wake up for next 30 seconds again

I remember staying focused for whole 4min 30sec back then when I had more hairs and 50Lbs skinnier Ialso remember every detail what went around me after each race but these days I don't even remember who I hit till some one giving me Long face.

I still have to get used to my TEKIN RS ESC but my Lap top crapped out again and I don't know what to do with my Tekin RS, my T60 thinkpad giving me 3 beeps on Bios, no screen, no booting and stays dark until I hit the Power button and it goes off.

I'm kinda sick with the cold too but

I can almost hear ppl screaming on the fence goes

YOU can do it Johney PUNCH IT! but Smooth~

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