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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Do not send money by Paypal personal payment

I found this great thread on the click to view as picture show above, everything you buy from the web should be Marked as Purchase tab > goods

if any one ask you to send money by "Personal tab" cuz no fees they saying.

don't do it! because "THEY CANNOT BE DISPUTED" that personal tab is for personal transfers and they don't take any fees out. so if you wanted to loan your bother money(for example) its free on both ends.

I bought/sold many stuffs on-line and I been burned few times too.

I thought this is something we all can related.


  1. Wow I didn't even know the 'personal' tap existed.. good thing I didn't, because had I known that there are no fees to make personal payments, I would have used it.

  2. yes, that is da reason why I posted cuz some read this and may use it in a bad way to those ppl who don't know yet. spread the word and don't let the crooks have any chance.


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