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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10 facts I learned at the tracks during those years

  1. keep front riding height always lower than the rear, it makes a car rolling down hill, perhaps save energy and can runs faster thanks for the gravity!
  2. Don't drop a diff ring greased cuz it will land on the ground heavier side first, always!
  3. if you mount 2 transponders on your car, you can win any race any day. but no one does that cuz PT cost more than $100 each, $109 X 2 = $219!!! that s why! no one can affor that!
  4. Gil losi Jr is from the moon, and Paul leumix is from Wisconsin.
  5. Reason for track pizza taste always better is "Paragon" and or 30wt oil, to see for yourself, wash your hand before grap a slice next time, taste like a soap. YUK!
  6. reason why we dont see any wives on the track is cuz we brought them to the track more than once during dating period, imagine you wearing a G-string, high hills at track? I bet you will be gone before your main start. not that we want to see you in that way.
  7. reason why Dan smiling always is he though the banana lube is natural and non-toxic.
  8. Team associated used to make tire donuts out of stock sponge drilled out with door knob drill bits.
  9. RC10 bushing (non racers kit) over sold Bearing incld kit (racers) by more than 10 times.
  10. no one saw Frank Calandra Jr with pair of a Long sleeve pants yet.

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